games in Small YouTubers Group

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Project Utgardr Resurgence.
We decided to recreate the game from the ground up.

Project Utgardr is a first-person parkour platform adventure inspired by Norse and pre-Viking lore.

#platformer #steam #vikings

It hasn't even been abandoned since 1997, trust me


We have a game on Steam and there’s a demo, dear people!

Main theme!!!!

The game will be released on teleportal 2 so stay tuned on that app

Brothers and sisters, join me and enlist today to defend super earth

(I need friends to play this game with)

Helldivers 2 is the game btw

#gaming #irl #funny


The Potato Mash! DEMO is on the Steam. This is a game demo you NEED to play ASAP!

Demo has:

Unique controls!

3 different mini-games!

Demo leaderboards!

Cool rap music!

gimme characters for a scratch game


Devlog#4 Core skin it's working

(Note: don't pay attention to the Mr beast bug behind the core, use the laughs on the buy button and it will disappear because I can't fix the bug)